Nursing Flowsheets

Crib Notes™ brings historically difficult-to-manage Nursing Flowsheets into the 21st century with an easy-to-use, intuitive graphical user interface, globally organized data fields and autopopulation of selected existing data. To enter data, nurses click on a timebar to open a data entry form. Data is entered – or displayed for approval if interfaced – and supplementary narrative notes can be entered with ease. Many selections are available through pull-down lists and are all user-definable to match your unit's individual terminology.

Critical information (birth date and day of life, gestational age, today's weight, I&O and more) is presented at the top of the page, while automatically totaled fluids, calories and urine output are presented as ongoing daily totals on the right side of the screen. Vital signs for the current shift appear at the bottom of the screen.

After entering a data set, Crib Notes™ displays a 24-hour vital sign trends graph and additional user-definable critical parameters. The graphs are highlighted in yellow if the last data point is out of range or exceeds the alert percentage above or below the average of the previous measurements. Review of the data for a configurable preset number of seconds is mandatory- the nurse may not dismiss the graph until the Time-out to Review Data is passed. The same graph is incorporated in the clinicians workflow when the Progress Notes are accessed.

All users can view the Nursing and Respiratory flowsheets. Crib Notes™ also allows for custom flowsheets and data entry forms to be designed for special situations such as ECMO, Lactation Nurse documentation, etc.

Flowsheets available include:

  • Vital Signs
  • Intake and Output
  • IV Fluids
  • Blood Products
  • Respiratory
  • Apnea / Brady Events
  • Lab results
  • Family Contact
  • Education
  • Customizable Flowsheets for ECMO and More
Nursing Flowsheets