Crib Notes™ helps the entire NICU team derive maximum value from the depth of patient data typically acquired in the NICU. Crib Notes™ supports the workflow of consultant and ancillary care providers in a variety of ways:
- Respiratory Flowsheets
Respiratory Therapy documentation is predominantly managed on the RT Flowsheet. Short text notes are written on the Flowsheet along with respiratory parameter documentation. Longer notes may be entered in the Notes section of the Flowsheets, and all respiratory data is available to other clinicians, flowing automatically into the Progress Notes and other relevant documentation. - Specialized Progress Notes
Clinicians and ancillary users can create their own specialized Progress Notes based on their care giver roles. All Progress Notes may be reviewed by all Crib Notes users, ensuring that the entire team has access to critical patient information.For example:
- Nutritionists document in the Health Care Maintenance problem area (which some hospitals have changed to Fluid/Lytes/Nutrition).
- Social Workers document in the Social problem area.
- PTs, OTs, and Developmentalists document in the Development problem area.