Crib Notes™ MD

Serving the Unique Needs of the NICU Clinician

Does your hospital have an electronic system for nurses, while clinicians are still working on paper with analysts tracking data in home-grown databases or spreadsheets? Then this is the system for you. Crib Notes™ MD provides an effective answer for sites that have already implemented an enterprise-wide EMR solution in the NICU that does not automate such critical features as:

  • Daily Progress Notes
  • Weekly Review Notes
  • Consultations
  • Automated Discharge Summary Creation
  • Clinician Signout Reports
  • Billing Documentation
  • Data Tracking / Reporting

Crib Notes™ MD meets these and other needs through the integration of data from ADT, Lab and Radiology systems. With comprehensive documentation of your daily work through drop down menus, free text and previous entry copy, Crib Notes™ MD is an information management and workflow solution dedicated — like your entire neonatal team — to providing the highest level of care to tiny, fragile patients in the NICU.

Crib Notes™ MD brings computer-aided precision and efficiency to every aspect of day-to-day NICU workflow — from admission notes to discharge summaries — for all members of the clinical team. This includes attendings, fellows, residents and NNPs. Additional features allow clinicians to manage and track problem areas, both active and resolved, as well as build To-Do Lists, create Clinical Sign Outs and much more. Fully customizable with a broad range of specialized features, Crib Notes™ MD supports workflow your way.

Crib Notes™ MD provides an easy-to-use graphical interface and requires a minimum of user training. It has been continually refined and upgraded throughout a decade of use.

We believe clinicians should never be forced to alter a single aspect of their routine to conform to an IT-driven vision of the medical environment! Designed by physicians with decades of NICU experience, Crib Notes™ MD combines a deep understanding of neonatal patient needs and NICU workflow with one the most sophisticated IT architectures available in any similar product today.

Crib Notes™ MD is a comprehensive clinician documentation application that helps you manage the business of caring for these special patients. This one-of-a-kind, all-encompassing administrative departmental solution brings new precision, control, and efficiency to the NICU, where the smallest details can make the biggest difference for vulnerable patients and can help save lives.